Radio Art

Fixed form for radio, exhibition spaces, alternative broadcasts, podcasts and more.

2023, Palimpsest, 1 min, Sound Poetry

Sound Pedro, Sound Festival in San Pedro, CA, USA

A palimpsest is something that has been reused or damaged but still retains visible traces of its original form. Here it is a sound palimpsest: distorted and superimposed washed-out sound.

2023, Wood Wild Web, 40 min, sound piece for exhibition

Audioblast Festival Nantes, France

This sound piece is broadcasted in exhibition space by woods used like antennas.

How do trees communicate with each other? What is the wood web? What do they say to
each other? A few humans put forward hypotheses and come to the conclusion: Leave the
trees alone !

This piece was also broadcast on The Hibernation Project, Forest Perpective radio Show, Calgary, Canada

 2023, Cossos escoltat, 10 min 17, sound piece for exhibition

Created for group exhibition Claiming power over our bodies. Centre civic El Coll La
Bruguera, Barcelona.

Noise music, field recording during 8 march manifestation in Brussels and bodies sounds recorded by piezo micro.

Also broadcasted on  Radiophrenia 2023 – Contemporary Art Center, Glasgow (Scot).
Featured in exhibition Sound 2023, LCB Depot, Leicester (UK)

2022, Geneva's bulky goods day, 3min, Arte Radio (Fr)

Field recording, testimonies, and percussions.
On bulky goods day in Geneva, it's the cross-border commuters who are happy! Flat screens, cute furniture, antique trunks, reclaimers quickly get a taste for luxury. Dive into a wild, frenetic and fruitful recovery where the notion of "waste" doesn't have the same meaning for everyone.

2022, Neutral Ground, Radiophrenia, 28 min 45, Glasgow (Scot)

Avec les voix de Laurent Isnard et Alin Fortex.

In February 2022, my piece was broadcasted on Radiophrenia, the ephemeral radio station of the Glasgow Contemporary Art Centre.

It is a sound and music interpretation of the short story Neutral Ground, Norman Spinrad, 1966.

2022, Contemporary music, is not my thing, 5 min, France

Testimonies and music
My grandfather was a fireman and he often watched the plays. One day, he attended a contemporary music concert and he hated it! Together, we recreated his first and last experience in this field.

Also Broadcast on Radiola, Bruxelles.

2022, Republic's residents, 13 min 30, France

Sound immersion in a home for people with mental disabilities in the South of France France with the questions: “What do you think of politics?” ; “What do you wish tell the candidates for the 2022 presidential election ?”; “What would you do if you were President of the Republic?”. We often forget that they are, despite their handicap, workers, voters and citizens
involved in political life, with claims, proposals and opinions.

Broadcasted on PrunFM, Radio Quetsch, Radio Paris 8, JetFM, &more.

2021, Sound recreation, 13 min 36, Brussels (Be)

In 2021, I awarded the Karoo grant for sound creation. In this musical podcast, I let the children speak so that they explain their games, their songs, their particular culture that they transmit to each other without the adults interacting.

Broadcasted on Radio Paris 8, Radio Campus Bruxelles, Radio Quetsh, Jade FM, Radio
Vassivière, Jet FM.
An explanation of my approach here.